Rhapsody of Realities Devotional for Saturday 14th Oct. 2023



And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life (1 John 5:11-12 NKJV).



Christ in you means eternal life in you. Eternal life is the life and nature of God: the God-life. Notice the tenses in our theme scripture; it says God “has given us eternal life.” It’s not a promise. He’s not “going” to give us eternal life. You have that life NOW. As a result, John says in the 13th verse, “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13 NIV).

He wants you to know that you’re more than human. Your human life has been supplanted by the life and nature of God. This divine life in you has made fellowship and oneness with God possible. You’re by no means an ordinary person. Recall the words of the psalmist in Psalm 82:6, “I have said, Ye are gods, and all of you are children of the most High.”

The same truth is referenced and reiterated by the Lord Jesus in John 10:35 when He said, “If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken.” We are gods, because God gave birth to us. We’re the offspring of the Word: “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever” (1 Peter 1:23). 1 John 4:17 says, “…as He is, so are we in this world.”

Christ lives in me! I’m the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power and personality! I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force—an empowerment—at work in me to blaze through the barriers. Everything and anything I could ever need is inside the greater One that lives in me. Glory to God!


1 Corinthians 3:16; Colossians 1:26-27; 1 John 4:4


1 Thessalonians 4:1-18; Isaiah 59-60

John 5:33-47; 1 Kings 21


Rhapsody of Realities is a globally recognized devotional that is highly spiritual and impactful written by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, who is the Founder of Christ Embassy International. Also Known as Love World Incorporated or Believers’ Loveworld. A unique devotional, Rhapsody of Reality is a wonderful love letter from God to you that has a message of eternal life! It is otherwise referred to as the, “Messenger Angel,” This devotional is a daily life guide intended to help you gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word and advance spiritually.


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