Dunamis Seeds of Destiny Devotional

Dunamis Seeds of Destiny Devotional For Thursday 9th November, 2023

seeds of destiny devotional for thursday 9th november, 2023



SCRIPTURE: By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. HEBREWS 11:37.


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Seeing the invisible makes it easy to believe the incredible.



It has been established that when God wants you to do the incredible, He shows you the invisible. Seeing the invisible makes it easy to believe the incredible.

When the Church, Dunamis International Centre, was at our previous location, Area 1, Garki, Abuja, there were some slight delays with getting filled at some point.

Then I saw in Mark 2:1 that Jesus was in a house and it was noised abroad; and that because of that, there was not room enough to receive the multitude. Many people were gathered so much that there was no room left to receive more people. And He preached to them. This means that the people were outside. The place was not enough for them.

So, in my mind, I began to see the Area 1 Church jammed with people, and some standing outside. So, we put chairs outside for those people who would not have space to sit inside. We put chairs outside for overflow when the main sanctuary was not yet filled.

This was because I saw it in Scripture, and turned the Scripture into picture. If the Scripture says that there was no room around the door, it means that people stayed outside. It means that they filled the house to overflow.

Then I wrote the number of the expected attendance for each service everywhere. I put it on the celling of my bedroom. And I looked at it whenever I lay down to sleep. I put it on the wall of the toilet, on the fridge, on my reading tables, and forced the pictures to enter into me. When the picture settled, we began to see the physical overflows filled until they were completely filled. Then we had first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth services.

During conventions, we would have up to fourteen overflows.

Beloved, always understand that seeing the invisible makes it easy to believe the incredible.

Remember this: Seeing the invisible makes it easy to believe the incredible.


  1. See pictures out of Scriptures whenever you study the Word of God.
  2. Make those pictures reality in your life.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You open my eyes to see pictures from Scriptures. I receive the grace to embrace the responsibility of making the pictures reality in my life, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: Now I ask you, when demons see you, what picture of you do they have? What identity do they see in you? That is where the matter lies. Culled from the book, “Who Are You?” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Acts 13-15.

AMAZING FACT: Your brain sets your perception. It uses sensory data to paint a complete picture of your world.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: May you in this season begin to see as God sees. May the Scriptures begin to shape your future through godly pictures in Jesus’ Name.


The Seeds of Destiny Devotional is a highly spiritual resource and life transforming devotional that is widely read across the world. It is written by Pastors Paul and Becky Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastors of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (Glory Dome)


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seeds of destiny devotional for wednesday 8th november, 2023


SCRIPTURE: For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:… PROVERBS 23:7.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: If it is not real in your mind, it cannot be real in your life.


It has been established that mentality is the determinant of reality. If a thing is not real in your mind, it cannot be real in your life. Things happens twice; first, in the mind, and then in real life.

For example, the structure, the Glory Dome was real first in the mind, and then, it became real on the earth. I had it in my mind before consulting a team of architects who put it on paper as an architectural design. Then the engineers – building, structural, mechanical and electrical engineers brought the mental picture into reality.

All truths are parallel. As it is in the physical, so it is in the spiritual. You must change your mind and become different from what is limiting people in your community before you can experience outstanding life physically.

In my own life, I have never felt inferior to anyone anywhere in the world. The Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa (of blessed memory) was a man who had a very healthy mind-set about himself. Whenever he traveled around the world, he never planned to change the way he talked. He talked to the whites the same way he talked to the blacks.

He always told white people, “You people must know that we the black people have faith in God more than you people. You people think because you have many good things, you don’t need God.”

Beloved, the point is, you must have a healthy mind-set about yourself to fulfill your destiny.

Remember this: If it is not real in your mind, it cannot be real in your life.



  1. Go through today’s message again.
  2. Make up your mind to have a healthy mind-set about your life and destiny.


PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You deliver me from negative mind-sets and mentality. I ask that You give me a healthy mindset about my life as I study the Scripture, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.




QUOTE: When a man sacrifices towards the kingdom, his mentality will be kingdom-directed. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be. Culled from the book, “Who Are You?” by Dr Paul Enenche.


DAILY READING: Acts 10-12.


AMAZING FACT: The mechanics of the working brain are amazing. It allows you to do so many higher-order tasks.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Every trace of inferiority mentality be destroyed in your life today in Jesus’ Name. Grace to see yourself as God sees you is released in Jesus’ Name.


The Seeds of Destiny Devotional is a highly spiritual resource and life transforming devotional that is widely read across the world. It is written by Pastors Paul and Becky Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastors of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (Glory Dome)


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Dunamis Seeds of Destiny Devotional For Tuesday 7th November, 2023

Dunamis Seeds of Destiny for Tuesday 7th November, 2023


SCRIPTURE: And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The transformed life is a product of a renewed mind. When your mind is renewed, your life must be transformed.


Our anchor Scripture reveals that our lives are transformed when our minds are renewed. The transformed life is a product of a renewed mind. When your mind is renewed, your life must be transformed. This means, an untransformed life is a product of an un-renewed mind.

In Scriptures, we understand that the children of Israel remained in captivity in their mind even though they were liberated physically from Egypt. They could not grasp the reality of liberty. They became like slaves that fell in love with their chains. The chains on their legs got transferred to their minds
You see, there are many people whose afflictions have settled in their minds. God has delivered them from their sicknesses and given them breakthroughs in life, but the shadow of their previous bondage or predicament has hindered their total deliverance. My counsel is, renew your mind with the Word of God always to experience total victory in life.

Remember this: The transformed life is a product of a renewed mind. When your mind is renewed, your life must be transformed.


Refuse to be mentally bound.
Renew your mind with the Word of God always for the transformation of your life.
PRAYER: Thank You Lord for Your Word to me today. I ask for the grace to renew my mind always by Your Word for the transformation of my life, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: Garments define mentality. The way a person thinks and reasons, is affected by the way he appears. A scattered mind will have a scattered appearance. Culled from the book, “WHO ARE YOU?” by Dr Paul Enenche.


AMAZING FACT: You use more than 10 percent of your brain. In fact, your whole brain is working most of the time. That’s the only way your complex body runs smoothly and you stay safe.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Every mental chain in your mind be broken today in Jesus’ Name. As you consciously begin to renew your mind with the Word, grace to experience the transformed life is released in Jesus’ Name.


The Seeds of Destiny Devotional is a highly spiritual resource and life transforming devotional that is widely read across the world. It is written by Pastors Paul and Becky Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastors of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (Glory Dome)


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Dunamis Seeds of Destiny Devotional For Monday 6th November, 2023

Dunamis Seeds of Destiny for Monday 6th November, 2023


Topic: Does God Think About Me?

SCRIPTURE: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11.


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: God has a plan for every area of your life.



Our anchor Scripture makes it clear that God has a plan for you. Before you were conceived in your mother’s womb, He had planned your life. Your journey or existence on earth was predetermined by God before you were born. God is mindful of you (Jeremiah 29:11).

Now, due to the challenges or storms of life, you may be tempted to ask, “Does God know that I exist? Does He have any plan for my life? Is He aware of what I am passing through? Does He care about me at all? Does He think about me?”
loved, God is mindful of you. He is thoughtful of you. God has a plan for every area of your life. He has a plan for your spiritual, martial, financial, academic, career and ministerial life. Knowing this will help you live a profitable and peaceful life on earth.

It is also important to understand that God’s plan for your life is not at the mercy of the plans of the devil against your life. The plans of God for your life predate the plans of the devil against your life. This means, the plan of God for your life is older than the plan of the devil against your life.

So, if the devil came to attack you, he came too late because God had a plan for your life before the devil ever thought about you. The devil cannot corrupt what God has finished about your life.

Beloved, always remember that God is always thoughtful of you. This means, the plots of the enemy against your life are inconsequential.

Remember this: God has a plan for every area of your life.



1. Go through today’s message again.

2. Always remember that God’s thought for your life is stronger than the thought of the devil against your life.


PRAYER: Thank You Lord for Your Thoughts and Plans for my life. I receive the grace to be conscious of this always, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.




QUOTE: Realize our true purpose for existence, Culled from the book, “MAKING FULL PROOF OF MINISTRY” by Dr Paul Enenche.




AMAZING FACT: Every time that you remember something, you, in turn, strengthen that memory in your brain. Whenever the neural pathways of a memory are exercised, your brain makes new connections. The older and more times a memory has been remembered, the stronger that memory is.


PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: I decree that in this season, you will begin to experience practically the thoughtfulness of God towards you in Jesus’ Name.


The Seeds of Destiny Devotional is a highly spiritual resource and life transforming devotional that is widely read across the world. It is written by Pastors Paul and Becky Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastors of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (Glory Dome)


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Dunamis Seeds of Destiny Devotional For Sunday 5th November, 2023


Dunamis Seeds of Destiny for Sunday 5th November, 2023

Topic: Dissolving Darkness By Light

SCRIPTURE: And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:5


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Light handles every form of darkness.



Sometime ago, I heard a funny story. Jesse Duplantis, a man of God, went to preach in a place. In those days, they did not usually lodge guest ministers in hotels; they lodged them in the houses of members and associates. So, they lodged him in one house in the place where he went to preach, and there was no light in that house.

In the early hours of the morning, around 1 or 2 am, he was awoken by an image dangling on the wall. Thinking that the image was a demon, he began to rebuke that “demon.” He said, “Devil, get out of here! You demon, get out in Jesus’ Name!” But the “demon” moved left and moved right, and then stayed back in the same position.

He continued rebuking the demon until he saw light at daybreak, only to realise that the “demon” he had been rebuking was a raincoat. It was not a demon at all. It was raincoat that a farmer wore in the daytime, hung it on the wall, and the breeze was blowing it from side to side in that room at night.

Beloved, there are things you are afraid of now because of the absence of light. There are doubts you are having around your life now because of the absence of light. There are even prayers you are praying now that are a waste of prayer because of the absence of light. When light appears, doubts, fear and unbelief are cleared.

You know, light handles every form of darkness.

Today, receive the light that would kill all your fears, in Jesus’ Name.

Remember this: Light handles every form of darkness.


  1. Refuse to remain in darkness.
  2. Ask God to shine His Light in every dark area of your life.


PRAYER: Lord, I make a decision today that I will not remain in darkness anymore. I ask that You shine Your Light in every dark area of my life, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.




QUOTE: Nothing disarms darkness like light. Culled from the book, “15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL” by Dr Paul Enenche




AMAZING FACT: The human brain continues to develop as you keep growing. It is the only organ in the body that develops as you grow, and it sees more changes than any other organ as well.


PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: I decree the release of light into your darkness right now in Jesus Name. Every fear, doubt or anxiety dies by the power of light in Jesus’ Name.


The Seeds of Destiny Devotional is a highly spiritual resource and life transforming devotional that is widely read across the world. It is written by Pastors Paul and Becky Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastors of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (Glory Dome)


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Dunamis Seeds of Destiny Devotional For Saturday 4th November, 2023

Dunamis Seeds of Destiny for Saturday 4th November, 2023


Topic: God’s Word – A Treasure For Great Men

SCRIPTURE: Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food. Job 23:12


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Men of stature and stamina treasure the Word of God.



It has been confirmed that the Word of God is a treasure for great men. Men of stature and stamina treasure the Word of God.

Job in Job 23:12 says,
Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.

Now, let me give you examples of men who treasured God’s Word and how it affected their destinies positively.

The man of God, Smith Wigglesworth, always had the Bible in his possession all the time. And God used him to raise about 24 dead persons. It was said that he had the most perfect set of teeth that the dentists had ever seen even in old age. At the age of 86, he was in absolute health when he passed on.

He was known to have studied his Bible every thirty minutes. He opened and read his Bible before he ate any physical food. And so, he walked in unusual physical and spiritual stamina.

E. W. Kenyon, was another servant of God who lived in unusual and unbeatable strength before he died. He died at the age of 80. While on earth, he was like a walking Bible.

At the age of 80, he would be walking, and young people would be running after him, yet they couldn’t catch up with his steps. This was because he had unusual strength.

When I was a teenager, our greatest passion then was the Word of God. We looked for messages that would set us on fire. We read books that would ignite our passion for God.

Then, no one was concerned about fashion or what to wear. We spent so much money to buy Christian tapes and materials that would set us on course for God.

And today, I don’t need to look for clothes, clothes look for me.

And when people look at me, they would say, “How I wish I were like this man” The truth is, you can only be like anyone you admire if you carry what he carries.

My counsel is, treasure the Word of God.

Remember this: Men of stature and stamina treasure the Word of God.



  1. Make up your mind to treasure the Word of God.
  2. Feed on the Word; study, pray, and practice the Word of God.

PRAYER: Thank You Lord for Your Word to me today. I receive grace to treasure Your Word Lord in Jesus’ Name.




QUOTE: Whatever is not in line with the Word of God for you must be rejected on the spot. Culled from “15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL” by Dr Paul Enenche.


DAILY READING: John 19-21.


AMAZING FACT: Your brain generates about 12-25 watts of electricity. This is enough to power a low wattage LED light bulb.


PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: May your strength explode as you cultivate a healthy appetite for the Word in your life in Jesus’ Name.


The Seeds of Destiny Devotional is a highly spiritual resource and life transforming devotional that is widely read across the world. It is written by Pastors Paul and Becky Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastors of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (Glory Dome)


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Dunamis Seeds of Destiny Devotional For Friday 3rd November, 2023

Dunamis Seeds of Destiny for Friday 3rd November, 2023




SCRIPTURE: They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.

PSALM 84:7.


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Spending time with God at the place of prayer is a sponsor of strength.



Our anchor Scripture reveals that strength is the portion of those who appear before God. It takes a buoyant and vibrant relationship with God to have a buoyant destiny. Anyone whose relationship with God is strong must have a destiny of strength. It is not possible for your hand to be strong on God and the same hands are weak in life.

For example, Moses was a man who had a buoyant relationship with God. He spent time with God to such a point that his face literally began to shine. And this same Moses ended as a man of strength.

His strength was unbeatable and irreducible.

You see, spending time with God at the place of prayer is a sponsor of strength.

So, whenever a person is disconnected from God, he or she begins to run on an empty tank spiritually. One of the greatest calamities of Samson was that he had no time for prayer. The Bible records that Samson only prayed twice – when he was thirsty and needed water to drink and after his eyes had been plucked out.

Strength in life is a product of spending time with God in prayer and fasting.

Sometime ago, a pastor who submits to us in Ministry, said that the Lord rebuked him one day and told him, “You always eat every time – morning, afternoon and night. You are busy eating but look at the man you say you are following, does he eat all the time like that?” This message from the Lord changed his life.

Beloved, weak destinies are products of fireless spiritual existence.


Remember this: Spending time with God at the place of prayer is a sponsor of strength.



  1. Refuse to live a weak spiritual life.
  2. Make up your mind to spend time with God. Make it a priority of life.


PRAYER: Lord, I thank You for Your Word to me today. I receive the grace to spend time with You so I can have a buoyant and vibrant destiny, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.




QUOTE: Your spirituality is not for the purpose of luxury; your spirituality determines your immunity. Your spirituality affects your security. Your spirituality determines your indomitability and unfightability. Culled from the book, “15 Strategies For Survival” by Dr Paul Enenche.




AMAZING FACT: Our brain prefers images over text. Participants in studies only remember about 10% of information presented orally when they are tested 72 hours after instruction. However, that number jumps by about 65% when an image is added to the learning process.


PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: May the Word of God swallow up every trace of weakness in your life at this time in Jesus’ Name.


The Seeds of Destiny Devotional is a highly spiritual resource and life transforming devotional that is widely read across the world. It is written by Pastors Paul and Becky Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastors of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (Glory Dome)


Usage Right: This website’s content was posted with the best of intentions. Please CLICK HERE to email us and make a complaint if you believe the copyright has been violated or infringed.

Dunamis Official Website

Dunamis Seeds of Destiny Devotional For Thursday 2nd November, 2023

Dunamis Seeds of Destiny for Thusday 2nd November, 2023



SCRIPTURE: For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. ROMANS 1:21 (NIV).

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When you disrespect a person, you may be disrespecting your destiny helper to your own peril.



We live in a world where the virtue of respect, appreciation or recognition of others is fast diminishing.
In our world today, people look down on others and treat them as trash. They think others are not as important as they are. It is a bankruptcy of mentality to think that you are the only important person while others are worthless.
Let me share a touching story with you.
One day, a young man tolerated his “father” and got tired of him. He decided to take him (the father) to the old people’s home instead of building a house for him or allow him to live with him. He did that because his wife felt that his father should not live with them or be around them.
So, when they arrived at the old people’s home, a Reverend minister who lived there, on seeing this old man, ran and hugged him, and began to celebrate him.
Then this young man asked his “father”, “Daddy, do you know this Reverend?”
The old man didn’t reply him, but the Reverend minister responded, “Yes, I know this old man many years ago when he came to this place to picked up an orphan and trained the orphan as his own son. And I want to let you know that you are that little orphan.”
Then the old man looked at the young man and said, “See, I picked you from this place many years ago as an orphan. I invested everything I had in you as my son, but your wife made you to drive me from your house. Don’t worry. I will stay here. I would have willed everything I have to you, but the house you are living in now is the only thing you would have; everything I have, I will give to this orphanage.”
Beloved, can you see how disrespect can rob a person of their destiny? When you disrespect a person, you may be disrespecting your destiny helper to your own peril.
My counsel is, refuse to disrespect or dishonour people.
Remember this: When you disrespect a person, you may be disrespecting your destiny helper to your own peril.


1. Refuse to disrespect or dishonour anyone you see.
2. Ask God for the grace to respect, honour and appreciate people regardless of their status.


PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You deliver me from the attitude of dishonour and disrespect. I receive grace to recognise and appreciate everyone, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.




QUOTE: It is a foolish thing to forget your root. Culled from the Book “21 Foolish Things People Do” by Dr Paul Enenche.


DAILY READING: John 13-15.


AMAZING FACT: Our brains can compute 10 to the 13th and 10 to the 16th operations per second. The human brain is capable of solving and computing problems much quicker than a computer.


PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The Lord grant you the grace to see everyone the same way He sees them in Jesus’ Name. Receive the grace to escape the way of disrespect and dishonour in Jesus’ Name.


The Seeds of Destiny Devotional is a highly spiritual resource and life transforming devotional that is widely read across the world. It is written by Pastors Paul and Becky Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastors of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (Glory Dome)


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Dunamis Seeds of Destiny Devotional For Wednesday 1st . November, 2023

Dunamis Seeds of Destiny for Wednesday 1st November, 2023


Topic: Making Demands On Your Covering Mantle

SCRIPTURE: And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over. 2 Kings 2:14

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Your prophetic covering exists for your preservation.



You are welcome to the eleventh month of the year, 2023. We appreciate God for His faithfulness and help thus far.

I want to let you know that the God who brought you to this eleventh month shall make you see the end of the year and beyond, in Jesus’ Name.
I heard a true life story many years ago. A member of the Living Faith Church (a.k.a Winners Chapel) was kidnapped. She had in her bag, a handbill of the church carrying the picture of God’s servant, Bishop David Oyedepo.

As the kidnappers were carrying her to a place for ritual, she threw the handbill on the ground. As soon as the handbill landed on the ground, God’s servant, Bishop Oyedepo started speaking in tongues from the handbill. The kidnappers got confused and terrified and released her immediately.

You see, we serve a mysterious God. We live in a mysterious world, and we need the mysteries of God to handle the mysteries of the devil.

Beloved, it is right to make demands on the God of your prophetic covering when you are confronted by a mysterious “Jordan” like Elisha.

When Elisha was confronted by Jordan, he made demands on the God of Elijah, his spiritual father.
2 Kings 2:14 says,
And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over.

You must understand that the mantle of your father can divide any “River Jordan” in your life. Your prophetic covering exists for your preservation.

Today, I decree that where blood is shed, yours shall never be shed, in Jesus’ Name.

Remember this: Your prophetic covering exists for your preservation.



Always remember that your prophetic covering exists both for the preservation of your life and the release of your potentials.
Like Elisha, make demands on the mantle of your father when confronted with any “Jordan” experience in your life.
PRAYER: Thank You Lord for giving me a prophet after Your Heart. I receive the grace to align my life and destiny to Your Instructions through my prophetic covering, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.




QUOTE: The prophet exists, among other reasons, for the preservation of the people. Culled from the book, “15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL” by Dr Paul Enenche.


DAILY READING: John 10-12.


AMAZING FACT: The brain of an adult human weighs around 3 pounds (1.5 kg). Although it makes up just 2% of the body’s weight, it uses around 20% of its energy.


PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: I deploy the apostolic mantle on my life against every agenda of the enemy in your life in Jesus’ Name. You are preserved in Jesus’ Name.


The Seeds of Destiny Devotional is a highly spiritual resource and life transforming devotional that is widely read across the world. It is written by Pastors Paul and Becky Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastors of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (Glory Dome)


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