November 2023

Rhapsody of Realities Devotional For Friday 3rd November, 2023

Rhapsody of Realities Devotional for Friday 3rd November 2023



For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself. (Jn 5:25)



Nobody ever talked like Jesus. He spoke the most profound and sublime words ever, with such confidence and audacity that beats the natural mind. Think about what we just read! In  Jn 6:39, He said: “For I came down from heaven….” He was unapologetic about His identity and origin, and that’s how we ought to be.

1Jn 4:17 says, “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.” This is how you must think, talk, and live. Be conscious of your divine heritage and identity. 1Jn 4:4 says, “Ye are of God, little children….” That means you hail from God.

So, like the Lord Jesus, boldly affirm who you are. In Jn6:12, He said, “…I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” Confidently declare the same truth about yourself because He also said in Matt 5:14 AMPC, “You are the light of the world….” Be conscious of who you are in Christ; be bold to call yourself what God has called you.

Let your consciousness of your divinity control everything about your life. You can live as successfully as Jesus did by following His example and the principles by which He lived. Become conscious of the God-life in you and boldly speak accordingly.


I’m conscious of the life of God in me; therefore, no sickness, disease or infirmity can thrive in my body. The life of Christ is evidently manifested in me, from glory to glory, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.


John 7:32-45; Romans 8:11; 1 John 4:4


Hebrews 3; Jeremiah 38-40


John 9:18-27; 1 Chronicles 3


Rhapsody of Realities is a globally recognized devotional that is highly spiritual and impactful written by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, who is the Founder of Christ Embassy International. Also Known as Love World Incorporated or Believers’ Loveworld. A unique devotional, Rhapsody of Reality is a wonderful love letter from God to you that has a message of eternal life! It is otherwise referred to as the, “Messenger Angel,” This devotional is a daily life guide intended to help you gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word and advance spiritually.


Usage Right: This website’s content was posted with the best of intentions. Please CLICK HERE to email us and make a complaint if you believe the copyright has been violated or infringed.

Christ Embassey Official Website


Open Heavens Devotional For Friday 3rd November, 2023

Open Heavens Devotional for Friday 3rd November. 2023


Topic: Prayer For The Youths

MEMORISE: “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” – 1 Timothy 4:12 (KJV)


READ: Jeremiah 1:4-10 (KJV)

4 Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,

5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

6 Then said I, Ah, Lord God! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.

7 But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.

8 Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord.

9 Then the Lord put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.

10 See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.






Father, thank You for the life of all our youths and for Your unfailing love over them.

Father, please draw all our youths to You. Let them love and serve You genuinely, in Jesus’ name.

Father, please use our youths to win their generation to You, in Jesus’ name.

Father, please help all our youths live holy and do not let the devil rob them of their inheritance in You.

Father, please grant excellent success to all our youths and bless them mightily, in Jesus’ name.

Father, please destroy every agenda of the enemy to turn the hearts of Christian youths away from You, in Jesus’ name.

Father, please give our youths the grace to honour their elders so that their days can be long on earth.

Father, please give our youths wisdom, knowledge and understanding so they can improve and not destroy what their parents will hand over to them, in Jesus’ name.

Father, please pour out Your Spirit on all our youths and use them to bring about a revival in Your Church.

Father, please drive away every evil spirit causing depression, drug addiction and so on, far away from all our youths.

Father, please help all our youths to fulfill Your will for their lives, in Jesus’ name.

Your personal prayer point for the youths in your family, Church and neighbourhood.


Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, is the author of Open Heavens Daily Devotional. One of the most widely read devotionals in the world is this one, which is published every day. It is intended to keep you inspired, encouraged, and elevated by supplying you with God’s Word on a regular basis. This Open Heavens Devotional offers powerful Christian resources that enable readers to achieve their destiny. You are encouraged to get closer to God and give Jesus your entire being.


Usage Right: This website’s content was posted with the best of intentions. Please CLICK HERE to email us and make a complaint if you believe the copyright has been violated or infringed.

RCCG Official Website


Dunamis Seeds of Destiny Devotional For Friday 3rd November, 2023

Dunamis Seeds of Destiny for Friday 3rd November, 2023




SCRIPTURE: They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.

PSALM 84:7.


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Spending time with God at the place of prayer is a sponsor of strength.



Our anchor Scripture reveals that strength is the portion of those who appear before God. It takes a buoyant and vibrant relationship with God to have a buoyant destiny. Anyone whose relationship with God is strong must have a destiny of strength. It is not possible for your hand to be strong on God and the same hands are weak in life.

For example, Moses was a man who had a buoyant relationship with God. He spent time with God to such a point that his face literally began to shine. And this same Moses ended as a man of strength.

His strength was unbeatable and irreducible.

You see, spending time with God at the place of prayer is a sponsor of strength.

So, whenever a person is disconnected from God, he or she begins to run on an empty tank spiritually. One of the greatest calamities of Samson was that he had no time for prayer. The Bible records that Samson only prayed twice – when he was thirsty and needed water to drink and after his eyes had been plucked out.

Strength in life is a product of spending time with God in prayer and fasting.

Sometime ago, a pastor who submits to us in Ministry, said that the Lord rebuked him one day and told him, “You always eat every time – morning, afternoon and night. You are busy eating but look at the man you say you are following, does he eat all the time like that?” This message from the Lord changed his life.

Beloved, weak destinies are products of fireless spiritual existence.


Remember this: Spending time with God at the place of prayer is a sponsor of strength.



  1. Refuse to live a weak spiritual life.
  2. Make up your mind to spend time with God. Make it a priority of life.


PRAYER: Lord, I thank You for Your Word to me today. I receive the grace to spend time with You so I can have a buoyant and vibrant destiny, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.




QUOTE: Your spirituality is not for the purpose of luxury; your spirituality determines your immunity. Your spirituality affects your security. Your spirituality determines your indomitability and unfightability. Culled from the book, “15 Strategies For Survival” by Dr Paul Enenche.




AMAZING FACT: Our brain prefers images over text. Participants in studies only remember about 10% of information presented orally when they are tested 72 hours after instruction. However, that number jumps by about 65% when an image is added to the learning process.


PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: May the Word of God swallow up every trace of weakness in your life at this time in Jesus’ Name.


The Seeds of Destiny Devotional is a highly spiritual resource and life transforming devotional that is widely read across the world. It is written by Pastors Paul and Becky Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastors of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (Glory Dome)


Usage Right: This website’s content was posted with the best of intentions. Please CLICK HERE to email us and make a complaint if you believe the copyright has been violated or infringed.

Dunamis Official Website

Dunamis Seeds of Destiny Devotional For Thursday 2nd November, 2023

Dunamis Seeds of Destiny for Thusday 2nd November, 2023



SCRIPTURE: For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. ROMANS 1:21 (NIV).

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When you disrespect a person, you may be disrespecting your destiny helper to your own peril.



We live in a world where the virtue of respect, appreciation or recognition of others is fast diminishing.
In our world today, people look down on others and treat them as trash. They think others are not as important as they are. It is a bankruptcy of mentality to think that you are the only important person while others are worthless.
Let me share a touching story with you.
One day, a young man tolerated his “father” and got tired of him. He decided to take him (the father) to the old people’s home instead of building a house for him or allow him to live with him. He did that because his wife felt that his father should not live with them or be around them.
So, when they arrived at the old people’s home, a Reverend minister who lived there, on seeing this old man, ran and hugged him, and began to celebrate him.
Then this young man asked his “father”, “Daddy, do you know this Reverend?”
The old man didn’t reply him, but the Reverend minister responded, “Yes, I know this old man many years ago when he came to this place to picked up an orphan and trained the orphan as his own son. And I want to let you know that you are that little orphan.”
Then the old man looked at the young man and said, “See, I picked you from this place many years ago as an orphan. I invested everything I had in you as my son, but your wife made you to drive me from your house. Don’t worry. I will stay here. I would have willed everything I have to you, but the house you are living in now is the only thing you would have; everything I have, I will give to this orphanage.”
Beloved, can you see how disrespect can rob a person of their destiny? When you disrespect a person, you may be disrespecting your destiny helper to your own peril.
My counsel is, refuse to disrespect or dishonour people.
Remember this: When you disrespect a person, you may be disrespecting your destiny helper to your own peril.


1. Refuse to disrespect or dishonour anyone you see.
2. Ask God for the grace to respect, honour and appreciate people regardless of their status.


PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You deliver me from the attitude of dishonour and disrespect. I receive grace to recognise and appreciate everyone, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.




QUOTE: It is a foolish thing to forget your root. Culled from the Book “21 Foolish Things People Do” by Dr Paul Enenche.


DAILY READING: John 13-15.


AMAZING FACT: Our brains can compute 10 to the 13th and 10 to the 16th operations per second. The human brain is capable of solving and computing problems much quicker than a computer.


PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The Lord grant you the grace to see everyone the same way He sees them in Jesus’ Name. Receive the grace to escape the way of disrespect and dishonour in Jesus’ Name.


The Seeds of Destiny Devotional is a highly spiritual resource and life transforming devotional that is widely read across the world. It is written by Pastors Paul and Becky Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastors of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (Glory Dome)


Usage Right: This website’s content was posted with the best of intentions. Please CLICK HERE to email us and make a complaint if you believe the copyright has been violated or infringed.

Dunamis Official Website

Rhapsody of Realities Devotional For Thursday 2nd November, 2023

Rhapsody of Realities Devotional for Thursday 2nd November 2023



I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life (1 John 5:13 NIV).



Eternal life is the life and nature of God. It’s the organic and existential attributes of Deity. However, it’s not enough for you to know that this life and nature of God is now yours; you have to seize it. That’s the thrust of the Spirit’s communication through Paul in 1 Timothy 6:12. It says, “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life….”

The Greek rendering of our underlined portion is “epilambanomai.” It means to take a hold of something without letting go. In other words, don’t just be aware that you have eternal life; seize eternal life; take possession of it. This means to live it like you have it.

Every blessed day, walk in the consciousness that you have the life of God in you. Think, act, and live as one who’s filled with eternal life. Every now and then, affirm that you have the divine life. It’s incorruptible and can’t be tainted or defiled by sickness, disease, failure, death or the devil.

If as a Christian, you’ve been sick and praying, “Oh God, please take away this sickness from me.” That may not change anything, because He already did when He gave you eternal life. Before God, you’re already perfect even though you might be going through trials, pains and difficulties. In His sight, there’s nothing wrong with you.

Therefore, align yourself with His thoughts and visions through the Word and declare, “I’m perfected in Christ Jesus; I refuse to accommodate any sickness, disease or pain in my body because I have the life of God in me! I’ve taken hold of eternal life.” You’re an associate of the God-kind; live in this consciousness and be who you are in Christ.


Dear Father, thank you for giving me eternal life and bringing me into a vital union with you. I’ve taken a hold of eternal life, and this life is working in every fibre of my being. I rejoice that I’m one spirit with you and thus an associate of the God-kind. Amen.


John 3:16; 1 John 5:11-13

Hebrews 2; Jeremiah 36-37

John 9:8-17; 1 Chronicles 2


Rhapsody of Realities is a globally recognized devotional that is highly spiritual and impactful written by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, who is the Founder of Christ Embassy International. Also Known as Love World Incorporated or Believers’ Loveworld. A unique devotional, Rhapsody of Reality is a wonderful love letter from God to you that has a message of eternal life! It is otherwise referred to as the, “Messenger Angel,” This devotional is a daily life guide intended to help you gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word and advance spiritually.


Usage Right: This website’s content was posted with the best of intentions. Please CLICK HERE to email us and make a complaint if you believe the copyright has been violated or infringed.

Christ Embassey Official Website

Open Heavens Devotional For Thursday 2nd November, 2023

Open Heavens Devotional for Thursday 2nd November. 2023


Topic: Remember Me Lord!

MEMORISE: “Remember me, O Lord, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people: O visit me with thy salvation;” – Psalm 106:4 (KJV)

READ: Psalm 106:4-5 (KJV)
4 Remember me, O Lord, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people: O visit me with thy salvation;

5 That I may see the good of thy chosen, that I may rejoice in the gladness of thy nation, that I may glory with thine inheritance.




Many times we pray and it seems like God cannot even hear our prayers, not to talk of answering them. We even see other people getting their prayers answered seemingly easily and wonder what our offence is that God has not answered us. In Genesis 30, the Bible says Rachel had no child for Jacob while Leah had birthed child after child for him, even as she aged. It must have really seemed as if God was not hearing Rachel’s prayers at all, but in verse 22, the Bible says: “And God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and opened her womb.”

One major prayer point that you must pray when it seems like God is not hearing your prayer is, ‘Remember me, oh Lord’. The first thing that happens when God remembers a person is that the fellow’s prayer would be answered. If you have been praying for one miracle or the other and there has been no answer, God will remember you this month, in Jesus’ name. Psalm 65:2 says: “O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come”.

God hears prayers but the Bible says that if He is to answer, there are certain conditions that must be satisfied. For example, in Isaiah 55:6, the Bible says you must seek the Lord while He may be found and call on Him while He is near. Thus you may have been praying for a while, not even sure whether He is near or not because you cannot see Him, but when He chooses to remember, He Himself would draw near to you.

The second thing that happens whenever God remembers someone is that doors begin to open for the fellow. You may have been knocking on some doors that have stubbornly remained shut, but the One who remembered Rachel is He who has the key of David; when He opens, no man can shut and when He shuts, none can open (Revelation 3:7). If the enemy has shut a door against you, in the name that is above every other, this very day, it will be opened. All you need is for God to remember you. The Lord will remember you today as you pray, in Jesus’ name.

Father, please remember me and answer my prayers today.


Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, is the author of Open Heavens Daily Devotional. One of the most widely read devotionals in the world is this one, which is published every day. It is intended to keep you inspired, encouraged, and elevated by supplying you with God’s Word on a regular basis. This Open Heavens Devotional offers powerful Christian resources that enable readers to achieve their destiny. You are encouraged to get closer to God and give Jesus your entire being.


Usage Right: This website’s content was posted with the best of intentions. Please CLICK HERE to email us and make a complaint if you believe the copyright has been violated or infringed.

RCCG Official Website

Artificial Intelligence Affiliate Suit


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Dunamis Seeds of Destiny Devotional For Wednesday 1st . November, 2023

Dunamis Seeds of Destiny for Wednesday 1st November, 2023


Topic: Making Demands On Your Covering Mantle

SCRIPTURE: And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over. 2 Kings 2:14

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Your prophetic covering exists for your preservation.



You are welcome to the eleventh month of the year, 2023. We appreciate God for His faithfulness and help thus far.

I want to let you know that the God who brought you to this eleventh month shall make you see the end of the year and beyond, in Jesus’ Name.
I heard a true life story many years ago. A member of the Living Faith Church (a.k.a Winners Chapel) was kidnapped. She had in her bag, a handbill of the church carrying the picture of God’s servant, Bishop David Oyedepo.

As the kidnappers were carrying her to a place for ritual, she threw the handbill on the ground. As soon as the handbill landed on the ground, God’s servant, Bishop Oyedepo started speaking in tongues from the handbill. The kidnappers got confused and terrified and released her immediately.

You see, we serve a mysterious God. We live in a mysterious world, and we need the mysteries of God to handle the mysteries of the devil.

Beloved, it is right to make demands on the God of your prophetic covering when you are confronted by a mysterious “Jordan” like Elisha.

When Elisha was confronted by Jordan, he made demands on the God of Elijah, his spiritual father.
2 Kings 2:14 says,
And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over.

You must understand that the mantle of your father can divide any “River Jordan” in your life. Your prophetic covering exists for your preservation.

Today, I decree that where blood is shed, yours shall never be shed, in Jesus’ Name.

Remember this: Your prophetic covering exists for your preservation.



Always remember that your prophetic covering exists both for the preservation of your life and the release of your potentials.
Like Elisha, make demands on the mantle of your father when confronted with any “Jordan” experience in your life.
PRAYER: Thank You Lord for giving me a prophet after Your Heart. I receive the grace to align my life and destiny to Your Instructions through my prophetic covering, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.




QUOTE: The prophet exists, among other reasons, for the preservation of the people. Culled from the book, “15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL” by Dr Paul Enenche.


DAILY READING: John 10-12.


AMAZING FACT: The brain of an adult human weighs around 3 pounds (1.5 kg). Although it makes up just 2% of the body’s weight, it uses around 20% of its energy.


PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: I deploy the apostolic mantle on my life against every agenda of the enemy in your life in Jesus’ Name. You are preserved in Jesus’ Name.


The Seeds of Destiny Devotional is a highly spiritual resource and life transforming devotional that is widely read across the world. It is written by Pastors Paul and Becky Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastors of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (Glory Dome)


Usage Right: This website’s content was posted with the best of intentions. Please CLICK HERE to email us and make a complaint if you believe the copyright has been violated or infringed.

Dunamis Official Website

Rhapsody of Realities Devotional For Wednesday 1st November, 2023

Rhapsody of Realities Devotional for Wednesday 1st November 2023



And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together (Romans 8:17).



In the first chapter of Ephesians, Paul highlights what God accomplished in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His own right hand—in the place of authority—in the heavenly realms. He possesses all power, and He’s glorified (Ephesians 1:20). Hallelujah!
Now, read what the Bible says in Ephesians 2:6: “And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” The same God that raised Jesus from the dead and sat Him at His own right hand has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ. This is huge!
The term “sit together” is from the Greek word “sugkathizo”; it implies joint sitting or shared authority. We have joint sitting with Christ. We are where He is, and we have what He has. The authority He possesses is extended to us. Everything Jesus commands is done in our name, and everything we command is done in His Name.
This is all legal. Our “joint sitting” with Christ is not of this earthly realm but heavenly; it has been established from heaven. In Matthew 18:18, the Lord Jesus, before his ascension declared, “Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
We’re His legal representatives on earth, and what we declare and speak in the earth is endorsed in the heavens. We’re entrusted with the responsibility of manifesting the glory of God in our world and establishing His will in the earth. Confidently exercise your authority in Christ. Enforce God’s will and manifest His Kingdom where you are.

Dear Father, thank you for the privilege and blessing to have joint sitting with Christ, and for the authority and responsibility you’ve reposed on the Church to enforce your will in the earth. Even now, your righteousness, excellence, beauty and grace fill the nations, and your Kingdom reigns and rules in men’s hearts, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Ephesians 1:19-23 AMPC; Colossians 3:1-4; Philippians 2:9-11

Hebrews 1; Jeremiah 34-35

John 9:1-7; 1 Chronicles 1


Rhapsody of Realities is a globally recognized devotional that is highly spiritual and impactful written by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, who is the Founder of Christ Embassy International. Also Known as Love World Incorporated or Believers’ Loveworld. A unique devotional, Rhapsody of Reality is a wonderful love letter from God to you that has a message of eternal life! It is otherwise referred to as the, “Messenger Angel,” This devotional is a daily life guide intended to help you gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word and advance spiritually.


Usage Right: This website’s content was posted with the best of intentions. Please CLICK HERE to email us and make a complaint if you believe the copyright has been violated or infringed.

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Open Heavens Devotional For Wednesday 1st November, 2023

Open Heavens Devotional for Wednesday 1st November. 2023



There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfil. Exodus 23:26

Read: Psalms 128:1-6
1 Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD; that walketh in his ways.
2 For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.
3 Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table.
4 Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the LORD.
5 The LORD shall bless thee out of Zion: and thou shalt see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life.
6 Yea, thou shalt see thy children’s children, and peace upon Israel.



Barrenness can also be described as fruitless efforts. It could take different forms, some of which could include physical, material, academic or ministerial barrenness. I pray that the Almighty God will put an end to every form of barrenness in your life today, in Jesus’ name.

Physical barrenness refers to when a married couple is childless. One of my daughters was told that there was no way she could carry a child because her womb was blocked. At one of our programmes, God spoke through me that there was someone whom the doctor had said couldn’t have a child, but that the fellow would have twins. She believed the prophecy and held on to God’s word. To the glory of God, she became pregnant and went abroad to deliver through a caesarean section. To the surprise of the surgeons, she didn’t even have a womb. This was about twenty years ago. Recently, I got a phone call from this daughter of mine, and she said she wanted to bring the twins to me for a visit. I was surprised when she arrived, because she was carrying a new set of twins. The first set were now in the University and God, in His mercy, gave her another set of twins. God did what only He can do. If He could do it for that daughter of mine and you have been asking Him for a child, He will give you twins also, in Jesus’ name.

Material barrenness refers to when a person works tirelessly with nothing to show for it – like Peter, who fished all night and caught nothing (Luke 5:5). Thankfully, Peter accepted Jesus into his boat, obeyed the Lord’s instruction and got a net breaking catch (Luke 5:1-7).

An example of academic barrenness is when a lecturer works very hard but can not publish papers and as a result, does not get promoted. Such people are referred to as academically barren. Ministerial barrenness can be observed when a pastor prays, fasts and evangelises but his Church does not grow.

Whatever form barrenness might have taken in your life or in the lives of your loved ones, I declare that it shall come to an end today, in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point:
Pray with Deuteronomy 28:12 and personalise the declarations in it.

Bible in One year:
John 1-2

1. The great Physician now is near,
the sympathizing Jesus;
He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,
oh! hear the voice of Jesus.
Sweetest note in seraph song,
sweetest name on mortal tongue;
sweetest carol ever sung,
Jesus, blessed Jesus.

2. Your many sins are all forgiven,
oh! hear the voice of Jesus;
go on your way in peace to heaven,
and wear a crown with Jesus. [Refrain]

3. All glory to the risen Lamb!
I now believe in Jesus;
I love the blessed Savior’s name,
I love the name of Jesus. [Refrain]

4. His name dispels my guilt and fear,
no other name but Jesus;
oh! how my soul delights to hear
the charming name of Jesus. [Refrain]


Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, is the author of Open Heavens Daily Devotional. One of the most widely read devotionals in the world is this one, which is published every day. It is intended to keep you inspired, encouraged, and elevated by supplying you with God’s Word on a regular basis. This Open Heavens Devotional offers powerful Christian resources that enable readers to achieve their destiny. You are encouraged to get closer to God and give Jesus your entire being.


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