September 26, 2023

Rhapsody of Realities Devotional For Tuesday 26thSept. 2023

Rhapsody of Realities Devotional for Tuesday 26th Sept. 2023



Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God (Col 4:12)



The apostle Paul cites Epaphras as one “Always labouring fervently in prayers.” Those two words “labouring fervently” are rendered that way to provide a good understanding of what he actually did and how. Both words are from the same Greek word ‘agonizomai’—fight! 

You can read that verse thus, “Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, greets you, always fighting for you in prayers.” A question to ask would be, “If Epaphras was fighting for them in prayers, who was he fighting against?” It certainly wasn’t God, as it was God who inspired him to pray in the first place; it’s God who hears and answers prayers. So, certainly, God is not the enemy.

Now, the purpose of his prayer gives us an idea of the enemy. His prayer was for the Christians in Colossae to stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. This must be because there’s an enemy, Satan, out there trying to stop them from becoming perfect and complete in the will of God. This he tries to do by hindering or attempting to hinder their Christian growth.

Paul describes these demoniacal forces in Ephesians 6:12 when he said, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” These evil forces are the ones darkening the minds of men, swaying them from the path of God’s truth.

It’s the reason we must fight for them in prayers as Epaphras did. I encourage you to write down names of people who you might have noticed or heard are not walking in the light of God’s Word or have strayed from the faith, and fight for them in prayer. Pray fervently for them every day, and you’d see remarkable results. Hallelujah!



Dear Father, I break the influence of Satan over my family members, friends and others around the world who aren’t yet born again. I pray that their minds and hearts are opened to the Lord, as the light of the glorious Gospel shines with great intensity into their hearts to embrace the grace of God for their salvation, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.



Colossians 4:12; 1 Timothy 2:1-4; Galatians 4:19



Ephesians 3:1-21; Isaiah 19-22



John 1:14-23; 1 Kings 1


Rhapsody of Realities is a globally recognized devotional that is highly spiritual and impactful written by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, who is the Founder of Christ Embassy International. Also Known as Love World Incorporated or Believers’ Loveworld.

A unique devotional, Rhapsody of Reality is a wonderful love letter from God to you that has a message of eternal life! It is otherwise referred to as the, “Messenger Angel,” This devotional is a daily life guide intended to help you gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word and advance spiritually.

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Dunamis Seeds of Destiny Devotional For Tuesday 26th Sept. 2023

Dunamis Seeds of Destiny for Tuesday 26th Sept. 2023


Dunamis Seeds Of Destiny 26 September 2023 Devotional


TOPIC: Modelling Your Generation By Your Life (Seeds Of Destiny 26 September 2023)


SCRIPTURE: For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption: Acts 13:36


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When people know what to do because they see what you do, then you are a role model indeed to your generation.



The Will of God for His children is for them to exist as role models, pacesetters, front liners, or road pointers.

When people know what to do because they see what you do, then you are a role model indeed to your generation.

When people know the steps to take because they see the steps you are taking, when they know how to live or lead because of the way you live and lead, then you are a role model.

By the grace of God, my siblings worship in Dunamis International Gospel Centre.

One day, one of my biological sisters, who used to worship in our church before she got married came to me and requested for prayer. She said, ‘Sir, please pray for me. I want to marry.”

Then I asked her, “What kind of husband do you want?”

And she said, “Your type.”

Then I asked further, “In what regard?”

She said, “In every regard.”

And I said, “So, he will be a medical doctor then?” She said, “Yes sir.”

So, I prayed for her.

After one year, she called me and said, “Sir, the man has arrived. He is a medical doctor too. He loves God and is very passionate for God.

The question is, “What is it that will make your own siblings follow your footsteps?”

You know the Bible says that a prophet is not without honour except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house (Mark 6:4). But when those of your home begin to honour you and value what you carry, it is because God has helped you to be a role model.

Please make up your mind to model your generation with your quality and impactful living.


REMEMBER THIS: When people know what to do because they see what you do, then you are a role model indeed to your generation.



Make up your mind to model your generation for God by your exemplary life.

Follow the principles and practices of the Scripture, and live out the examples of impactful people.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You make my life a model, a symbol and portrait that people would follow to know You. Deliver me from “impactless” existence.



QUOTE: If a man spends all his energy working just for himself and his pocket without giving any aspect of his life, energy, or time to God’s work, when he grows old and dies to meet with God, what will he tell Him? What will he say he used his life to achieve? Culled from the book, “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr Paul Enenche.


DAILY READING: Micah 6-Nahum 1.


AMAZING FACT: Every second, your body produces 25 million new cells. That means in 15 seconds, you will have produced more cells than there are people in the United States.


PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The LORD make you a shining light in your generation in this season in Jesus’ Name.


The Seeds of Destiny Devotional is a highly spiritual resource and life transforming devotional that is widely read across the world. It is written by Pastors Paul and Becky Paul-Enenche, the Senior Pastors of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (Glory Dome)


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Open Heavens devotional For Tuesday 26th Sept. 2023

Open Heavens Devotional for Tuesday 26th Sept. 2023


Open Heaven Daily Devotional

26 September 2023 Tuesday

By Pastor E. A. Adeboye


TOPIC: Put God First Always


MEMORISE: “Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:” – Proverbs 3:9 (KJV)


READ: 1 Kings 17:7-16 (KJV)

7 And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land.

8 And the word of the Lord came unto him, saying,

9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee.

10 So he arose and went to Zarephath. And when he came to the gate of the city, behold, the widow woman was there gathering of sticks: and he called to her, and said, Fetch me, I pray thee, a little water in a vessel, that I may drink.

11 And as she was going to fetch it, he called to her, and said, Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread in thine hand.

12 And she said, As the Lord thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die.

13 And Elijah said unto her, Fear not; go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son.

14 For thus saith the Lord God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth.

15 And she went and did according to the saying of Elijah: and she, and he, and her house, did eat many days.

16 And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord, which he spake by Elijah.


BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Zephaniah 1-3



One of the things I have discovered about God in my little walk with Him is that He wants to be your priority at all times. He said in Matthew 6:33 that you should seek His kingdom and righteousness first. In Psalm 10:4, the Bible describes those who do not seek God and have Him in their thoughts as proud. In Deuteronomy 26:2, God said that your very first harvest should be given to Him. He wants to be your number one or nothing at all to you. In fact, one of His names is ‘Jealous’ (Exodus 34:14).

Now, when God sees that you always put Him first and you have honoured Him, then He will begin to work out a befitting reward for you. In Proverbs 3:9-10, the Bible says: “Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine”. In our Bible reading for today, Elijah told the widow of Zarephath to prepare his meal first before making that of herself and her son. Some other women would have said, “Prophet, did you not hear that there is only one meal left? If I prepare that one for you, there will be nothing left to prepare for me and my son”. Instead of saying that, she honoured God in the life of the Prophet in that difficult situation and in return, she never lacked food again. While the entire nation was starving, she had food in abundance. That is what happens when you put God first.

I was in Ilesha, holding a crusade many years ago when my Professor took my PhD thesis to the external examiner. Normally they post it, but he bought a ticket and took it. If you ask all those who got their PhDs back then, they will tell you that it usually takes months for external examiners to invite PhD candidates for an oral examination. While I was busy in Ilesha doing the will of God, my Professor took my thesis to the external examiner and said, “I am not going back until you read this”. After the external examiner read it, he said “Go and give the boy his PhD”. If you do the will of God first, He will take care of all your needs. When you honour Him and put Him first in all you do, what you will get in return will be a multiplication of what you sacrificed for Him.



Always put God first.

Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, is the author of Open Heavens Daily Devotional.
One of the most widely read devotionals in the world is this one, which is published every day.
It is intended to keep you inspired, encouraged, and elevated by supplying you with God’s Word on a regular basis.

This Open Heavens Devotional offers powerful Christian resources that enable readers to achieve their destiny. You are encouraged to get closer to God and give Jesus your entire being.


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